Numbers Speak For Themselves!
At Moon Rain Medicine we provide Healthcare based on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Practices and African Healing Philosophy, these employ a number of modalities as an holistic approach to healing disease within the body. In situation of dis-ease, given the appropriate intervention, the mind, body and spirit have the innate ability to self-heal, a balanced and healed person has a potential to reach his/her true destiny and devine purpose. Ethnomedicine is a system that uses both art and science to help the human body to restore its health and well being. It utilizes traditional remedies to activate the immune system. Herbs are used for cleansing, elimination and detoxification. Some are used to stimulate the body’s self-healing capabilities to counteract physical symptoms, whilst others may be used as a tonic to help the body’s immunity.
Our Services
“Ethnomedicine Practitioners complete intense training to provide personal assistance relating to your overall wellbeing. Ethnomedicine Practitioners focus on herbal products and remedies for various ailments and conditions. Ethnopsychology Practitioners focus on psychological and spiritual wellbeing. People often choose these alternative methods for wellbeing as a natural solution with great success. We provide such a natural alternative and are regulated to function within a specific code of conduct. If a condition exceeds the expertise of our Practitioners where medical or psychiatrical assistance is needed, a client will be recommended to a related medical specialist.
To become a companion in your journey to self-healing.
To make alternative medicine the primary healthcare choice.
We are dedicated to providing the highest quality service and products. These Include:
- Iridology
- Full Body Scan
- Primary Healthcare
- Rife Treatment
- Natural Medicine
- Nutrition & Lifestyle
• General Health Analysis
• Primary Healthcare
• Weight Management
• Nutrition
• Iris Analysis
• Quantum Resonance
• Herbal Products
We’re here to answer any questions. Get in touch or schedule an appointment with us.